How to Write Prompts for AI

AI, or artificial intelligence, is the field of computer science that deals with creating machines or software that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, decision making, natural language processing, computer vision, and more. AI has many applications in various domains, such as education, health care, business, entertainment, and social good.

One of the ways to interact with AI is by using prompts, which are commands or instructions that you enter into an AI writing assistant or an AI image generator to request a specific task or output. For example, you could enter the prompt “Write a short story about a dragon and a princess” and the AI would generate a story matching that description. Or you could enter the prompt “Draw a picture of a cat wearing a hat” and the AI would create an image based on that prompt.

Writing effective prompts for AI can help you generate creative and original content, improve your writing skills, save time and effort, and explore new ideas and perspectives. However, writing prompts for AI can also be challenging and tricky, as the AI may not always produce what you expect or want. Therefore, you need to follow some general guidelines and tips to write better prompts for AI. Here are some of them:

Use clear and specific language

One of the most important aspects of writing prompts for AI is to use clear and specific language, and avoid ambiguity or confusion. The AI may not understand or interpret your prompt correctly if you use vague or unclear words or phrases, such as “something”, “anything”, “whatever”, “somehow”, etc. Instead, you should use precise and concrete words or phrases, such as “a”, “the”, “this”, “that”, “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”, “how”, etc. For example, instead of writing “Write something about AI”, you should write “Write a brief introduction to AI”.

Use keywords and phrases

Another important aspect of writing prompts for AI is to use keywords and phrases that the AI can understand and interpret, and avoid slang or jargon. The AI may not recognize or process your prompt correctly if you use words or phrases that are too informal, colloquial, or technical, such as “lol”, “btw”, “omg”, “fyi”, “wtf”, “idk”, etc. Instead, you should use words or phrases that are common, standard, and relevant to the topic or task, such as “laugh”, “by the way”, “oh my god”, “for your information”, “what the fuck”, “I don’t know”, etc. For example, instead of writing “Draw a pic of a cute doggo”, you should write “Draw a picture of a cute dog”.

Use commas to separate different parts of your prompt

Another useful aspect of writing prompts for AI is to use commas to separate different parts of your prompt, such as the content, the style, the format, and the details. The AI may not parse or generate your prompt correctly if you use long or complex sentences, or if you omit or misuse punctuation marks. Instead, you should use short and simple sentences, and use commas to indicate the boundaries and relationships between different parts of your prompt. For example, instead of writing “Write a poem about love that rhymes and has four lines and each line has five syllables”, you should write “Write a poem about love, rhyming, four lines, five syllables per line”.

Use references to existing works or artists

Another helpful aspect of writing prompts for AI is to use references to existing works or artists that you want the AI to emulate or inspire from, such as “Write a poem in the style of Emily Dickinson” or “Draw a picture like Van Gogh”. The AI may not produce your prompt correctly if you use generic or abstract descriptions, or if you expect the AI to create something original or unique. Instead, you should use specific and concrete examples, and use words or phrases that indicate the source or influence, such as “in the style of”, “like”, “similar to”, “based on”, etc. For example, instead of writing “Write a song about happiness”, you should write “Write a song about happiness, similar to Pharrell Williams’ Happy”.

Use feedback and experimentation to improve your prompts

The final and most important aspect of writing prompts for AI is to use feedback and experimentation to improve your prompts. The AI may not always produce what you expect or want, as the AI is not perfect or human. Instead, you should use the results and outputs that the AI generates, and use them as feedback and learning opportunities, to refine and revise your prompts. You should also experiment with different variations and combinations of your prompts, and see how the AI responds and reacts, to discover new possibilities and outcomes. For example, instead of writing “Write a story about a hero and a villain”, you could try writing “Write a story about a hero who becomes a villain” or “Write a story about a villain who becomes a hero”.

Examples of prompts for AI

To illustrate the guidelines and tips that we have discussed, here are some examples of prompts for AI, and the expected outputs or tasks that they would produce or perform:

  • Prompt: Write a brief summary of the article “How to Write Prompts for AI”.
  • Output: A brief summary of the article “How to Write Prompts for AI” is:

The article explains what prompts are, how they can help you interact with AI, and how to write better prompts for AI. The article provides some general guidelines and tips, such as using clear and specific language, using keywords and phrases, using commas to separate different parts of your prompt, using references to existing works or artists, and using feedback and experimentation to improve your prompts. The article also gives some examples of prompts for AI, and the expected outputs or tasks that they would produce or perform.

  • Prompt: Solve the math problem: 2x + 3 = 11
  • Output: To solve the math problem: 2x + 3 = 11, you need to follow these steps:
  • Subtract 3 from both sides of the equation: 2x + 3 – 3 = 11 – 3
  • Simplify: 2x = 8
  • Divide both sides by 2: 2x / 2 = 8 / 2
  • Simplify: x = 4

The solution is: x = 4

  • Prompt: Draw a picture of a cat wearing a hat
  • Output: A picture of a cat wearing a hat is: 


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